Bee-Bot Math Activities | Sample Lesson Plans for Teachers.


Bee-Bot, a small programmable robot designed for kids, is paving the way for a more interactive and engaging teaching experience. It's not merely about getting the right answers; it's about understanding and applying mathematical concepts in an intuitive way. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll discuss Bee-Bot’s integration in the Junior and Senior infant educational framework, and how to maximize its use for a variety of Bee-Bot Math Activities.

Following the NCCA strands and strand units for Junior Infant mathematics, we’ll discuss shapes and space as well as simple measures.

This blog post is just a sample of what work resources will consist of when Bee-Bot is purchased with

Shape and Space:

  • 2-D Shapes: Students can use Bee-Bot to identify 2-D shapes on a mat. For example, "Program Bee-Bot to move to all the squares on the mat."
  • 3-D Shapes: Students can use Bee-Bot in combination with physical 3-D shapes. For example, "Program Bee-Bot to move to the cube."


  • Length: Students can use Bee-Bot to measure length using its standard move as a unit of measure. For example, "Program Bee-Bot to move the length of this book. How many Bee-Bot moves did it take?
  • Weight: While Bee-Bot can't measure weight directly, it can be used in a weight comparison activity. For example, "Place two objects at different locations. Guess which is heavier, then we'll use the scales to check. Program Bee-Bot to move to the object you think is heavier.
  • Capacity: Similar to weight, Bee-Bot can be used in capacity comparison activities. For example, "Here are two containers. Guess which one can hold more, then we'll test it out. Program Bee-Bot to move to the container you think has a larger capacity."
  • Time: Students can use Bee-Bot to understand the passage of time. For example, "Let's see how many tasks you can complete in the time it takes for Bee-Bot to make 10 moves."


With a Bee-Bot in the classroom, the possibilities for teaching and learning are endless. This small, friendly robot can transform how children interact with mathematics. Through a myriad of Bee-Bot Math Activities, children can develop a concrete understanding of key math concepts while improving their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

So, dear teachers, are you ready to introduce Bee-Bot to your young learners? Trust us; it's as easy as 1-2-3!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Bee-Bot?

Bee-Bot is a programmable robot designed for children. It's a fun tool for learning coding, problem-solving, and other subjects like mathematics.

2. How can Bee-Bot be used in teaching mathematics?

Bee-Bot can be integrated into numerous math activities. From understanding spatial concepts to teaching 2-D and 3-D shapes, measuring length, comparing weights and capacities, and understanding time, Bee-Bot makes math interactive and engaging.

3. Can Bee-Bot only be used for teaching math?

No, Bee-Bot can be used for teaching a variety of subjects. Besides math, it can also be used for teaching coding, language skills, science, and more.

4. Is Bee-Bot suitable for junior and senior infant classes?

Absolutely! Bee-Bot is designed for children and is an excellent tool for junior and senior infant classes. It’s user-friendly and safe for young learners.

5. How does Bee-Bot help in learning coding?

Bee-Bot introduces children to the concept of algorithms. Children can input commands that direct Bee-Bot's movements, giving them a basic understanding of coding.

6. Can Bee-Bot be integrated into the current educational structure?

Yes, Bee-Bot is flexible and can be easily integrated into the current educational structure. Its activities align with many common core standards, making it a valuable addition to the classroom. It is in fact encouraged in many European countries such as Spain, Estonia and many more.


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Tutorials and Information for everything Bee-Bot® and Blue-Bot® available!